Boys summer uniform
Grey shorts, school polo shirt, grey socks, black shoes and school hat.
Boys winter uniform
Grey trousers, school polo shirt, school jacket, grey socks and black shoes and school hat.
Boys sports uniform
Bottle green shorts, school sport shirt, grey socks, joggers and school hat.
Bottle green track pants may be worn in winter and sport jacket optional.
Girls summer uniform
Bottle green skorts/skirt/shorts, green and white check dress, school polo shirt, white socks, black shoes and school hat.
Girls winter uniform
Grey trousers, school polo shirt, school jacket, white socks, black shoes and school hat.
Girls sports uniform
Bottle green shorts, school sport shirt, white socks, joggers and school hat.
Bottle green track pants may be worn in winter and sport jacket optional.
School uniforms are purchased through the P & C at the school.
For further information please contact the school.